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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Seriously: the GeForce GT 520M, launched January 2011, wants a full PCIe 2.0 x16 interface. Same with the Raedeon HD 6330M. You could probably get away with just 8 lanes if you had to, but not only one.

    Connecting a GPU with just one PCIe lane isn’t the biggest problem. You’ll just slow down data exchange between the CPU and GPU (mostly loading textures and vertex positions).

    If your game mostly relies on shaders and renders lots of rather static stuff, you’ll mostly just get longer loading times but FPS shouldn’t suffer too much.

  • That doesn’t bother me too much.

    With the CPU being that slow, I don’t think you’ll really need a proper SSD. (And the CPU doesn’t have the required PCIe interfaces anyway).

    They probably could’ve added socketed RAM, but based on the photo, the main board looks quite full and messy with random chips (likely needed to work around CPU limitations), so it probably wasn’t a high priority.

    I’m interested in the cooling requirements and battery life.

    I’m not interested in ARM CPUs with all their weird proprietary stuff.

  • I switched mostly to Linux when windows 8 was released, but I don’t mind 11. It looks quite nice, the start menu is pretty good and normal again compared to the ugly full screen shitshow from windows 8 and the weird hybrid thing from windows 10 and most of that foreign mobile metro crap from windows 8 is gone again or reintegrated into the desktop.

    Having tabs in the explorer is also super nice.

  • The basic software like the Intellij Community Edition is also fully open source. (And it’s not actually basic at all. It’s a great full featured IDE)

    Basically you’re only paying for their support/updates and for specific language and toolkit support, which makes sense to me. They need to pay their staff somehow.

    It’s not comparable to Adobe or other crappy manufacturers where you own nothing.

  • morhp@lemmynsfw.com
    toLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldA conversation with my wife
    2 months ago

    I’m not eating from the tip of my penis.

    Phimosis is completely physiological/natural for younger boys and actually helps to protect the head of the penis against infections.


    If it needs washing, you can just spray water from the shower head into the opening.

    But it’s also kinda like the vagina for girls. It doesn’t really need washing or special treatment unless it’s infected.

    In any case, messing with the penis of your son and making them feel unhygienic or like their foreskin is a problem is likely much more damaging than a little bit of smegma.

  • When measuring lengths and time, metric units are super useful. Micrometers, Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters and Kilometres are easily and often converted in a lot of technical jobs.

    Same with nanoseconds, milliseconds and seconds when dealing with time in simulations or other computer programs (e.g. game development).

    Milliliters, Centiliters and Liters are commonly used in cooking.

    What’s wrong with hectometers? I don’t know how often they’re used but dealing with a factor of 10 or 100 to the next “regular” unit (meters or kilometers) is no big deal.

  • In the US cutting off the foreskin for phimosis or other minor issues is unfortunately very common (probably because “it’s no big deal, many had it done”) when using lube and careful stretching or just waiting would have been sufficient.

    Cutting off the offending part should always be the last option, e.g. in the case of cancer. We don’t need an exception that cutting off e.g. a finger should be only done if medically necessary. That’s obvious. It should be the same here. Otherwise you’re just creating a loop hole.