I love genuine questions and people putting in the effort to love and understand each other better. If you come at me just wanting to argue I’m going to troll you back. FAFO.

  • 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’ve no patience for sealioning. Also the incarcerated have been one of my all-time favorite patient populations to work with. Don’t get me wrong there’s plenty of pedos and other unsavory types, but there’s also a lot of just relatively normal decent people who just got steamrolled by the society we live in, and a lot of it does come down to housing like in the OP article. Their creativity also continually inspires me (even when they’re mostly getting up to no good, but if you can’t at least step back and appreciate the ingenuity of some of this shit you’d never cope otherwise). I had to stop working with that population even though I love them so much because I couldn’t stand watching them get abused. That broke me.

  • a) go get your own sources I just met you I’m not taking homework assignments from you

    b) the primary argument is philosophical anyway; it should be illegal for a wider society to profit off of incarcerated people. They can be made to care for their own space, grow their own food, sew their own clothes, whatever, but the moment you allow them to make license plates for the rest of us, grow food for the rest of us, or clean up after the rest of us, that’s slavery, it’s wrong, and it doesn’t belong in a free country.

    And no, I have no further interest in continuing to argue with someone who the most they can coherently manage to contribute is “source plz” especially when there has been a huge body of media made already on the United States Prison-Industrial complex to the point that Netflix made it into a fucking soap opera. Go look it up on duckduckgo it would’ve taken you less time and effort than making this comment.

  • Nah do it like they do in Europe. Pictures of what it looks like to be held to the bed screaming by a 19y/o who had no idea what they signed up for while an ICU nurse shoves a tube up your ass so that the diarrhea they induced to rebalance your ammonia doesn’t dissolve your anus as quickly except she can’t get the tube to stay in because your anus has already been slightly dissolved so she keeps shoving the tube back in and you’re still screaming because you’re in acute alcohol withdrawal and the terrified child they’re paying $12 an hour to help the ICU nurse restrain you seems to have snakes crawling out of their dinner-plate sized eyes.