This is mainly directed towards those who have many and broad interests, who have somehow found a way to balance all of them more or less equally.

How do you manage to balance all of your interests that are so equal from each other? As somebody who plans to become a psychologist but is also interested in ethology, zoomorphology, archeology, and fashion history, how can I possibly engage in all of these things? Study independent courses? Watch Youtube videos on the subjects?

It just feels like there’s so little time but so much to do and explore.

    3 months ago

    I don’t. Or more accurately, I focus on what makes money so we can survive, and dabble in the other interests.

    So in your example - become a psychologist, and just stay interested in the other stuff. Travel and learn about archaeology. Read and learn about zoomorphology, learn to draw and do illustrations, sell them as your side hustle. Do cosplay and be critical of the wardrobes in historical dramas. Use your other interests to enrich your life to the extent you can manage to enjoy at a pace you find best. And be mindful, don’t always focus on what you can’t do, be present in your life, live it.