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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024

  • Apparently generating “Finite Projective Planes”. For context on how I got here, I went camping with my family and brought the game Spot It. My brother was analyzing it and came up with the same type of pattern.

    When we got home he made a python script to generate these boards, but it was quite slow, so he half joked asking me to rewrite it in Rust.

    I kinda struggled a bit since I didn’t fully understand what it was doing. Near the end I even got a segfault using safe code😃! (i was spawning a thread with a large stack size, and allocating huge slices on its stack, rather than you know… boxing the slice Lol.) When I finally got it working, it ended up being in the ballpark of a 23x speedup. Not bad for changing the language choice!

    There’s lots of room for improvement left for sure. The algorithm could benefit with some running statistics about cols/rows and the algorithm itself is quite naïve and could maybe be improved too :P

  • Screenshot woulda been better just so everyone sees the same thing lol. I wasn’t sure what it would look like because on browser it highlighted some things green, and on Voyager it seems to highlight 4+ space indented as gray. No clue what is going on there :D

    vim with :set virtualedit=all gets pretty close being able to “paint” text anywhere… unfortunately i was on my phone and didn’t think to use it

  • Woahh thats so cool!!

    I think your QMK config counts (for now;)) What are some useful things you’ve changed?

    Yeah, im a bit worried about vim binds for alternative layouts as well. I think some people use a layer mod to keep normal mode as QWERTY (or a “normal mode” layer) but insert mode uses their regular layout. Others apparently use their non-qwerty layout for everything (but i guess change hjkl). Apparently it’s not too bad… but probably depends on the person.

    The clamps lol, i love it!