• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Hi there!

    TL;DR: probably have an nginx misconfiguration. Check the nginx logs for errors.

    You don’t need to install and run nginx on the host. It has its own container in the docker-compose.yml which gets started up on docker-compose up -d

    If both instances of nginx are trying to bind to the same port, one will start and one will fail.

    Is the lemmy proxy nginx docker container running? Check with: docker ps or docker container ls. If the lemmy nginx proxy container isn’t running, try stopping the host instance of nginx (systemctl nginx stop) and restart docker lemmy (docker-compose down, docker-compose up -d), the try to access your site again.

  • I think the safest option is to not host from your home network. If you aren’t up to date on security patches, you could potentially expose a lot of data from an insecure server running inside your network.

    There are precautions you can take, like isolating any external facing servers from the rest of your network, for example, but I generally recommend using a hosted service instead.

  • You might be able to setup a mod_rewrite rule to load a specific file path or other url based on the URL path, but a subdomain would probably be easier/cleaner.

    From Apache mod_rewrite docs:

    The mod_rewrite module uses a rule-based rewriting engine, based on a PCRE regular-expression parser, to rewrite requested URLs on the fly. By default, mod_rewrite maps a URL to a filesystem path. However, it can also be used to redirect one URL to another URL, or to invoke an internal proxy fetch.

    Just remember the old adage about regular expressions: when you use a regular expression to try to solve one problem, you create two problems.

    A subdomain would likely be cleaner and easier.

  • In addition to that,

    • I like the challenge of leaning new technologies and hosting my own web apps
    • It lets me feel that I have a bit more control over my user and posts
    • I get my own vanity domain / user address
    • I get a good understanding of how the lemmy frontend, backend and database work (yay open-source!)
    • I can keep my instance up to date with the latest lemmy releases (some are still running 0.17.3!)
    • I can do some dev work and testing on my instance, if I want, without impacting others
    • it reduces load on the main instances

    There’s more, but I think that’s a good enough list for now. Have a nice day!