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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • If you’re trying to minimize that taste go with “mild” olive oil over “extra virgin”. EV is made from the first cold press of the olives, and has the most olive flavor. Mild is made from olives that have already been pressed once and have been heated to extract more oil. It’s just this side of completely neutral. I can feel the spirit of my nonna in the room right now doing the finger thing 🤌🤌 but even she had one or two recipes where she used the mild olive oil to save money when you cant really taste it anyway or in desserts where you dont want to taste it.

  • Wanna know which game I last broke my “no pre-orders” rule for?

    No Man’s Sky. The game that was a tech demo for the first year or so after release. It’s become a hell of a game since then, but it taught me a valuable lesson and I haven’t bought a game since then.

    It’s kinda the natural progression of late stage hypercapitalism though. Used to be that you spent all your money up front, then your sales recouped your investment and hopefully generated you a profit. Once game companies figured out OTA patches they realized that they can push a lot of QA back until after release and use pre-orders and day 1 sales to fund it. Then with DLC they realized that they can sell the untested skeleton of a game up front and use presales and early sales to fund development. The natural progression seems to be the Star Citizen model, where you get huge chunks of your sales up front and use that to determine what you’ll develop and when (if ever) you’ll release it

  • Left two jobs in the last 3 years because they offered remote and then tried to claw it back. If I ever set foot in an office again it’ll be too soon.

    I also tend to check in with myself on Sunday nights as I’m lying in bed. If I feel like I’m walking into a good situation the next morning, with good problems to solve and a decent chance of actually solving them, then I stick around. If I’m filled with dread awaiting the next off-hours disaster, I brush up my resume and flip the flag on LinkedIn.

  • Watching dude get sucked into the trap where he thinks that dominating this conversation is what’s important here is just 😙🤌so sweet. The only thing that could be more fun to watch is his face as what he said gets read back to him in a courtroom and he realizes that feeding his ego in this moment is gonna be what costs him his case.

    Use coupon code CONVICTEDONALLCOUNTS to get 20% off a lumpy pillow that you can already get for 80% off at outlet and buyout stores nationwide.

  • They went into people’s houses to arrest them for being out after curfew.

    They fired tear gas into people’s houses because they were suspected of giving water to protestors.

    In Minneapolis a group of cops went around off duty, out of uniform in an unmarked van and fired irritant paintballs at everyone they saw. When someone shot back they arrested him for assauting an officer, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder, etc. He was eventually acquitted because he stopped shooting as soon as they ID’d themselves.

    The police are fucking animals roaming the streets and inflicting violence anywhere they can get away with it.

  • they could have asked for NG support before the event

    The mayor of DC did, and was denied.

    I didn’t realize Michael Flynn’s brother was responsible for sending in the troops

    Look up when he was appointed. Trump put him in place during the lame duck period after the election specifically so that he could sabotage security ahead. No one “screwed up” security, they all did exactly what they were there to do. Capitol cops put up a token resistance then waved rioters in, NG was held away from the event until it was well too late, the only people who screwed up were the gangs of terrorists embedded in the crowd who failed to capture any government officials who could potentially have been ransomed in exchange for Trump being appointed. I’m usually a big fan of Hanlon’s razor but in this particular situation that would require a lot of competent people to become very stupid for exactly one day in a way that just so happens to benefit themselves greatly.