• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • You’re talking as if Biden is doing something to stop the genocide in Gaza rather than literally funding it…I think it’s you who needs to re-read what you’re writing. It’s not about their lives being forfeit, it’s that he’s literally as genocidal as any member of the GOP up to and including Trump. The genocide is going to continue as it has weather it’s Biden or Trump, full stop.

    All you have to do to understand that is look at Biden’s complete non-response to the uncommitted vote. He wants to “hold a meeting” and “have a dialogue” with Arab american communities when he already knows exactly what they want. People are tired of this run-around nonsense, it’s not selling anymore, especially when it comes to a genocide. There is no negotiate and compromise here.

    The more you try to talk down about how we all need to suck it up and support a pro-genocide president, the more I become convinced that your politics are as philosophically bankrupt and hollow as the GOP.

    The absolute nerve of trying to wave Palestinian lives around as if that serves as some kind of a defense of the people actively funding their murder at this very moment. Absolutely detatched from reality. To try and guilt people because they won’t vote for that is unconscionable.

    You’re politics have failed for 40 years, it’s time for you to introspect and change, not the people doing the only thing they can possibly do to hold Biden and Democrats accountable.

    I’m going to repeat it: What about the situation right now makes you think that voting for establishment dems for the past 40 years has worked? This is where we are. This is your gradual change manifested. We’ve been doing exactly what you are claiming works.

  • Why do you think rural communities are the way they are? People won’t suddenly open their eyes and say golly gee those leftists were right

    Again, if I wasn’t clear for some reason – this entire line of thinking that Democrats should be appealing to conservatives is why we’re in this position where you’re literally going to go vote for someone supporting a genocide. That’s *literally *what you are going to be voting for because your politics have put us all in this position.

    Fuck gradual change. Where did that get us over the last 40 years? Look around you for christ’s sake, this is the result of your gradual change strategy, we’re living it right this very moment. Does it feel like our country is headed in the right direction?

    I will never vote for anyone who supports a genocide. Period.

  • Both sides are pro-genocide, one can be worked on, one cannot

    Which is exactly what detractors are confronting. Biden has shown zero motivation to budge on this issue, why in the hell would I think he’s going to get better about it once he secures his second term? What on earth makes you think he will become more reasonable?

    No. The Democratic party cannot be “worked with” on this. Supporting genocide from Dems is a red line for me. The Democrats are not going to reform themselves, they’ve been getting further and further to the right. The only way they are going to change is through pain, as much as it takes to get them to stop. I’m willing to accept the pain myself to make it happen as well. AIPAC money needs to be treated like poison.

    Vote shaming doesn’t work anymore. 'The lesser of two evils" doesn’t work any more. “Gradual change” doesn’t work any more. The fucking idiots in this country will need to witness first hand where the GOP and Dems have led us, it’s literally the only way they can grasp it, when it starts to effect them.