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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 10th, 2024


  • Of course I’m afraid. Probably more realistically than everyone responding as if I wasn’t. I don’t see a way to stop America from sinking further into a dark age.

    It blows my mind how anti-intellecualism is so strong when we have so much information at our finger tips. The greedy takeover of Reddit is painful. Like a lobotomy. Finding sources and more perspectives was never easier than what had been built on that site. This last year has made it indistinguishable from other forms of media.

    We are perpetually getting dumber and more afraid. And before I am questioned again, “we” includes me.

  • I’m with you. Your movie reference really helped solidify it. I assumed I was one of the lonely minds, but this made it clear.

    Some things that seem associated with this are my constant cravings for social interaction and intellectual conversation. I can’t give it to myself. I have never understood how people can just do nothing. I never had an invisible friend as a kid. There are many things people say and do that could be explained by having personal voices. There are many struggles with communicating to others that have already had a conversation with themselves before I can share a full thought.