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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Well that’s quite the wall of text.

    Talk about lacking nuance. You can criticize NATO for plenty, but calling it fascist while ignoring the rise of literal Russian style fascism is telling. You seem to simply use fascism as a synonym for bad without even understanding what it is. Therefore everything you don’t like (i.e. anything western) is automatically labeled fascist, and anything that is actual literal fascism but anti-west is somehow not fascism.

    The war isn’t NATO vs Russia, it’s Ukraine vs Russia. Just because NATO can gain from a weakened Russia doesn’t mean they are responsible for the war or are responsible for dragging it on. Nobody wanted this war, this is purely Russia’s doing. Just because Ukraine has some marginal neo-nazi groups doesn’t mean the country is run by Nazis.

    The great irony is you’re so caught up in this baseless rhetoric believing that you’re fighting fascists that you end up supporting a textbook fascist government engaging in the very same imperial conquest that you accuse the west of.

  • You’re not the left. The left hates you. You’re just bloodthirsty edgelords being astroturfed by Russian paid trolls.

    You’re not at all anti-war either, you just want Russia to win the war. You’re the person watching George Floyd getting choked to death here and says “well it’s his fault for resisting.”

    The only thing separating you from actual fascists is username pronouns.

  • Hmm, seems like you’re arguing in good faith.

    I never said those are the only two choices, but every peace deal that Russia has come to the table with either includes ceding large amounts of territory or giving up control over their government. Do you think the Ukrainian people would find any of that acceptable after everything Russia has put them through?

    Sounds an awful lot like you just want fascist Russia to conquer Ukraine.

  • 🙄 Yes, we all know Russia started a thinly veiled proxy war in 2014 when the Ukrainian people voted in favor of a western friendly government, and then Russia escalated it into a full blown war when that wasn’t getting them the influence over Ukraine that they wanted.

    What I don’t understand, though, is why a bunch of self proclaimed communists are so in favor of expanding the global influence of a post-fascist government. Aren’t communists supposed to be diametrically opposed to fascism? Their wartime Z symbol is essentially a half drawn swastika, like how do you not see it?

    Being in favor of China, as they are at least communists in rhetoric, I get. But really, modern day Russia? Marx would be ashamed.

  • If Russia wanted to end the war so bad they could just leave. Ukraine doesn’t have that option.

    Russia invaded Ukraine to gain new territory. If you want the war to end as it stands now, then you’re okay with giving up land and the people they’ve kidnapped from it to a fascist regime in a war of aggression. That’s supporting a fascist government.

  • Oftentimes it’s done because it’s cheaper, though oftentimes it’s actually more expensive but they calculate that money from licenses post initial sale gets them more revenue and margin in the end anyway.

    Still, even if it always was cheaper for the manufacturer this way, the point here is companies should not be able to control something you physically own once you have purchased it. It’s a dangerous precedent to set and things like this will creep into more and more products if we let it.