Blind geek, fanfiction lover (Harry Potter and MLP). Mastodon at:

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Prophecy approved companion is excellent! It gave me all the feels. It’s both extremely funny, and extremely poignant as the main character learns who she is, what’s really going on, and her intended roll in it all. It’s one of the few series where the reader knows exactly what’s happening from the start, but the fact the main character being slow to catch on isn’t frustrating.

  • Surprised nobody has mentioned my two favourites:

    • Behind The Bastards: Robert Evans (formerly of Cracked fame) talks about the worst people in history for hours.
    • Oh No Ross and Carrie: “When they make the claims we show up so you don’t have to.” Maybe start with the series on scientology, it’s some of the best work they’ve done.

    Most of the other stuff I listen to is either industry specific or fandom/hobby specific.

  • So who are they sending our product browsing data to in order to provide this service? At least I know what Microsoft and Google are doing with my data (nothing good). But Pocket and cloudflare and there VPN provider and whatever other random companies Firefox partners with? Who knows! How do I opt out? Who knows! How secure are these companies? Who knows! At least using Edge or Chrome I only have to hand over my data to one evil corporation, instead of several. Plus I actually get things I want in return (for me: automatic image descriptions, reader mode, read aloud, and AI based page summaries). Nothing I get from the companies Firefox works with are things I even want.