• 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 25th, 2024


  • you’re going to get that when

    a) western media and journalists are deathly afraid of being labeled antisemites for reporting on what the secular government of israel is doing and

    b) cable news viewers skew overwhelmingly republican and conservative who are already antimuslim and pro israel to begin with.

    these are the people who are keeping the current administration from telling it like it really is. because I honestly don’t believe that bibi would be as empowered to do what he’s been doing in gaza if the us government isn’t actively publicly condemning in plain language what has happened already.

  • is it really that much of a surprise that the most conservative and conservative christian states really love imposing the harshest old testament level punishments on as many people as possible?

    forgiveness and rehabilitation? that sounds like something christ would do. fuck that, string him up on the old maple tree in the park so we can make an example out of him.

    notice the same states proudly claiming to be pro life lead the nation in infant mortality, post birth mortality, and death sentences. it only shows that “pro life” only emphasizes the developing life, not any of it fully developed.

  • isn’t it odd that tiktok (which is used by the youngs) is this MAJOR SECURITY ISSUE but facebook (which was credibly implicated being used by the russians to interfere in the election but not used by the youngs) and twitter (which is actively promoting disinfo and white supremacy including from the site’s owner and also not really used by the youngs) are skating off scott free.

    seems to me that the issue is that established media and political influencers don’t know how or can’t get any kinds of traction on tiktok that they could via twitter or fb so they’re trying to get rid of it. with the existence of facebook and twitter and their known privacy issues, getting all out of sorts about tiktok because they’re controlled by the chinese when in reality any government could get their hands on that kind of data is very much misplaced outrage bordering on hysterical. especially since the chinese could get your data by means other than tiktok.

    rule 1 is don’t put your private self out on public social media.