autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]

A real autism! He/him bisexual man that might be a demiboy but probably not. I like media. Extraordinarily DILF.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2020


  • Listen, I’m not happy about the death of kids either, I’m just saying that revolutions are never, ever clean because oppressive violence breeds revolutionary violence and these people are angry and hopeless and you cant abandon the cause of the oppressed because of excesses. The oppressor has killed way more kids and will continue to if they’re not stopped. Like its really easy to talk from your high horse of privilege and judge revolutionary movements and tut tut but at the end of the day it comes down to what you actually care about. Because way more kids are going to be killed if the genocide of Palestinians isn’t stopped. And that includes Israeli kids because the Palestinians are going to fight back and they aren’t always going to be perfect victims about it. Israel can stop this at any time.

  • Personally my stance isn’t so much that I think its “acceptable” as I think its “an unfortunate reality”. Revolutions are not clean, ever. Individuals involved in it do bad things. Holding the oppressed to the standards of having a completly clean revolution (impossible) is just counterproductive. I support the revolutionaries even if not every action they take is morally right. I dont withdraw my support for something that is good on the whole because of individual acts that are not good.

    Its also worth noting that Israel chose to put civilians on the front lines of a settler project, and that this is kind of the obvious consequence of that. It can easily be argued, I think correctly, that they wanted this so they could look like the victims. Despite them being the oppressors.

  • I don’t think assholishness is necessarily a bad thing, it’s value-neutral.

    Really depends on the context ie who you’re being a dick to and for what reason.

    Like we had a “dont be a dick to your comrades” rule for a reason, for example.

    I’ve seen the backlash to “let people enjoy things” lead to some behavior I’d consider fairly toxic in its own right. I bring up the minors thing because they tend to be the most passionate about fandom stuff, and I see grown ass adult grumpy shitheads harassing them for liking inoffensive things. Which I think is kind of the source of that attitude.

    “Let people enjoy things” for me isn’t about “don’t criticize things people like”. Its about “dont go out of your way to do targeted harassment towards people over things they like”. I mean there are obvious exceptions like streamers who streamed wizard game, but even things like that can cross into harassment.

    Like, if you check my post history i’m literally currently dealing with a mod of a wrestling forum who’s so obsessed with bunny cop that he has alerted both his politics and how he moderates around that fact, and claims its because Judy is his comfort character. So OBVIOUSLY I think people can become to obsessed with their things and make it part of their identity in a self-warping way. And that those people can use “let people enjoy things” as a shield for that behavior.

    But I think there’s a middle ground here because if you think “I’m allowed to criticize things” cant be used as a shield for toxic behavior as well, you’re wrong.