• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023

  • In my 50s. I’ve never been in a fight. I’ve gotten into confrontations a few times.

    First was a guy on an off road trail. I was leading a group and one of em broke down and blocked the trail. Some cranky, leathery old fuck was being a dick about us being in the way. It had already been a stressful moment in a stressful day in a stressful week and I was fucking done and lost it. Couple of the guys had to keep me from getting in his face. I very, very rarely lose control. I wished I hadn’t and In retrospect I can totally see his point. But also he could have been less of a dick about it. And I should have been the mature guy and ignored his gnarled ass. I was 30 something.

    Some shitheads were in a car honking, yelling at, and harassing my wife who was trying to park while I was across the street on the sidewalk. I was really pissed and repeatedly yelled at them to gtfo (more or less) until they finally left. I suppose they could’ve had a gun and shot me and that would’ve been a suboptimal outcome… And my wife can take care of herself. So mild regret on that one.

    That’s the only times that jump to mind where I actually got really angry. There may have been times I am forgetting where someone was pissed at me or something and I de-escalated instead of escalating.

    I would be more careful now. Why? It’s too big of a risk. I spent a lot of time playing out various scenarios and thinking about confrontations when I decided to carry a concealed firearm. It’s a huge responsibility and cannot be taken lightly. I felt morally and ethically obligated to avoid conflict, let alone escalation, at all costs. (ETA: The obvious exception is a case of legitimate self defense where someone intends to harm me or mine)

    I no longer carry but it was extremely valuable to spend the time contemplating confrontations and potential outcomes. Even though I’ve never been a hothead (like my dad was) or thought I was some badass, I still realized I should be more careful.

    Two major confrontations and zero fights in all these years isn’t too bad but I could’ve handled both better.

    I hope to do better going forward.

  • Fortunately they can write up 3 Rx and then send to the pharmacy every month until my next appt.

    Of course my pharmacy can’t get the stuff due to the shortage so I have been without for 2wks now. It’s a process to have the Rx sent over to a different pharmacy. Easy for someone normal. But ADHD without meds? Yeah.

  • Very annoying - the apparent author of the backdoor was in communication with me over several weeks trying to get xz 5.6.x added to Fedora 40 & 41 because of it’s “great new features”. We even worked with him to fix the valgrind issue (which it turns out now was caused by the backdoor he had added). We had to race last night to fix the problem after an inadvertent break of the embargo.

    He has been part of the xz project for 2 years, adding all sorts of binary test files, and to be honest with this level of sophistication I would be suspicious of even older versions of xz until proven otherwise.

    Damn. I would love to see a full post mortem on this compromise.

  • Fair point. I am actually concerned about just bouncing around aimlessly when I retire. I know that will not go well.

    What you’re talking about sounds like what I had in mind. Structure for at least part of the day. Every day.

    I also need to have specific goals laid out. I’m starting to make a master list of post retirement goals. I imagine having one big long term project and a few short term ones would work as long as I keep to a rough timeline on each.

    Back when I had a better work schedule I usually had one or two small projects or else one big project going at any time and was able to stick to them.

    I’m also thinking that taking a class or doing a part time job (or volunteering) would be a good idea. And another option is switch to part time at my current job. I know a few who have.