• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I wrote it in German and I’ll repeat it here. The headlines are misleading.

    The youth did not turn to the (extreme) right.

    There was a shift to the (moderate and extreme) right bloc across all ages. This is within the typical range for Germany. (Throughout history, the left did not win many elections.)

    And there was a shift inside the right bloc to the extreme. This is somewhat unusual, but again, it happened throughout all ages. It’s not young people.

    In fact, the youngest voter group gave fewer votes to the right than any other group. (However, they also did not vote for greens as much as five years ago.)

    The Nazi parties only win if we let them steal the media narrative.

  • Finally, a question where i can shine. You don’t have to do anything specific. Just do things.

    Use a headset with your phone or laptop: You are on a call. Most people don’t speak much at online meetings.

    Take a little nap? Thinking.

    Want some time alone? Go to a meeting room. Works even better if the room has glass walls since you can see them and they can see that you are “busy”, but no one sees your screen.

    Have multiple monitors. There’s always something work-related on at least one screen.

    Have fields of interest that blend in. If one of your hobbies is vaguely related to work you are golden. You can totally read something unrelated to work during working time if it seems most your attention goes towards work. (See multiple screens and some switching back and force.)

    Shift your working hours slightly from the norm, i.e. come 5 min earlier than others.

    Don’t hide windows with non-work stuff when someone sees them. Too late. Act as if you have nothing to hide.

    Do a reasonable work-life blend. Work overtime occasionally at odd hours and make managers know that you solved an emergency in your free time. Gives you an excuse to leave early or slack off the next day and any other day.

    React to emails with a resonable delay. Of course, you can help, but not right now. You are busy.

    Block your calendar and decline invites.

  • _edge@discuss.tchncs.detoFrag Feddit@feddit.deFrage zu Volt
    24 days ago

    Wir reden hier von einer relativ jungen Partei und das Wahlprogramm ist immer nur die halbe Wahrheit. So genau kann das niemand sagen.

    Zumindest im EU-Parlament sind die deutschen Vertreter von Volt in der Grünen-Fraktion Greens/EFA und nicht bei ALDE/RE. Das ist schon eine Positionierung.

    Dann ist da vielleicht auch noch ein gewisser Bias in deiner Fedi-Bubble (nicht negativ gemeint). Die Lindner-Wissing-FDP ist für viele ein Negativbeispiel. Zu Recht. Wäre es nicht angemessen, anstelle der FDP eine liberale Partei zu etablieren?

    Ich kann nur für mich sprechen: Wenn Volt hinter ihrem Wahlprogramm steht, nehme ich gerne in Kauf, dass die Partei sich nicht klar einem ideologischen Lager zuordnen lässt. Was soll das überhaupt heißen, eine Tendenz zum Neoliberalismus? Selbst die SPD hat vor gefühlt 100 Jahren ihren Frieden mit dem Kapitalismus geschlossen, da gab es den Begriff des Neoliberalismus noch gar nicht. Wir alle sind der Neoliberalismus.

    Ich verstehe die Kritik, die in der Luft liegt. Volt kann wohl eine FDP 2.0 werden. Volt kann auch wieder verschwinden. Volt kann aber auch ein Angebot sein, Liberalismus neu zu denken. Und wie du schreibst im Wahlprogramm, ja, das ist graue Theorie, da findet sich erstmal wenig Böses.

  • This was expected. When solar panels were expensive, you had to optimize for output. When you get the same rate for any kWh, you optimize for output. Now that PV is cheap as fuck, of course, there’s going to overproduction.

    Now the dynamic will change. Instead of facing south, it becomes attractive to orient east/west. This generates more output on mornings or evenings. As a next step, you add batteries to the mix. Yes, they said they were expensive, need rare materials, and yadda yadda; except with lower prices every month, solar batteries are thing now.

    Also “overproduction” is relative. Most of our heating and transport is fossil. There’s a long way to go.