• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2023


  • Not good, as usual. My poor sweet cat is suffering and I don’t have the money or resources or ability to do anything about it. I’m tired of being useless because of my disabilities and I’m tired of being so burned out and in pure survival mode all the time. I wish I had the energy/functioning/mental bandwidth to put some words down about what’s actually going on. If anyone wants to send some good vibes or thoughts or prayers or whatever in the direction of my sweet kitty Ziggy and I, I’d appreciate it. She deserves so much better.

  • I’m not even 16, why do I feel ancient

    I don’t know if this will help you, but I think that’s pretty normal. I felt similarly at your age in some ways and in other ways I felt like a baby, depending on how I looked at things. I still feel that way and I’m twice your age! It’s weird. Growing up is weird. I feel for you. 💖

  • They sent me an email asking to call them back, and now I work for them :3

    Woohoo!! I’m glad they handled it that way and didn’t get all weird about you not answering like some people do. Sounds like they handled it perfectly! I’m glad it worked out and I hope you like working for them! :)

  • I’m usually this way, too. I feel kinda bad, but…they can just leave a message if it’s important, lol.

    Buuut late last night, we were having quite a mess of tornadoes and storms, and my mom was out driving with a dying phone…shortly after 1AM, I got a call from an unknown number with a local area code, and I thought it may be my mom using someone else’s phone, so I made myself answer it. It was some random super high sounding dude, only said a very confused “hello?” and then hung up when I, also confused, asked who this was.

    I wonder if maybe I encountered another phone-anxious weirdo, lmao.

  • Hero by Chad Kroeger makes me think of Spider-Man

    When Worlds Collide by Powerman 5000 is linked with Little Nicky (and that P.O.D. song in the opening that I can’t remember the name of, too… Shit, and Everlong. Anything by Chicago… dammit, I’ve watched that movie too many times.) and always makes me picture Adrian taking the throne.

    Foxy Lady will forever make me think of that scene in the first Wayne’s World movie.

  • Pretty damn bad. Everything feels so hopeless. Things just keep piling on and getting worse. Now I won’t have phone/Internet service to help me talk to friends and help distract myself from my disabilities/health issues/chronic pain/life issues etc which is extra sucky since I’m pretty much bedbound. So I won’t have a connection to the outside world anymore. And I still haven’t figured out how to help my poor kitty and I hate that she’s suffering and I’m too non-functioning and broke to do anything about it. I’m overwhelmed and I don’t know why I’m posting this and it probably makes no sense but I’m trying not to dump my issues on my poor friends. So I guess I’m screaming into the void, I dunno. I’m sorry. I hate myself lol