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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I swear these people just want war. How do you think Putin’s going to react to that? France and Germany have been pushing too hard for my liking to beef up weapons manufacturing. It’s as if someone told them war=profits and rebuilding afterwards=profits and a nice way to get rid of an entire generation of problems.

    Maybe someone should thell them the current generation isn’t ready to mindlessly throw their lives away for these aholes. Or you know do your effing job and be a diplomat?

  • I have the same 2 cats. Yesterday I was bitching about them to my niece. Saying they got so bad, it’s like I’m the pet and they’re the owners.

    They really push me around and make me do whatever they want. The tuxedo even follows me around when I’m cleaning and grumbles and shouts when their 3 litter boxes aren’t cleaned 3 times a day. There’s no use getting stricter, it’s 2 against 1 and I don’t have a fluffy belly to trick them.

  • NO. It wasn’t the IDF that saved them. They were so tone-deaf that when the doctors said premature babies were dying because of lack of fuel to generate the incubators, they brought over some incubators knowing there was no electricity to use them… Plain Evil and just another PR stunt for the IDF.

    ** The evacuation was organized by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. **

    *Just a day earlier, a joint United Nations humanitarian assessment team, led by the WHO, entered Al-Shifa to see first-hand the dire circumstances of the facility, the groups said.

    They found piles of medical and solid waste filling the crowded corridors of Gaza’s largest hospital, according to the WHO. The team saw a mass grave by the hospital’s entrance and was told at least 80 bodies were lying there, the WHO said.

    This team’s trip only lasted an hour and was “deconflicted” with Israel’s military to ensure safe passage, the group said.

    In that time, they found that several patients have died in the previous two to three days due to medical services shutting down in the facility, according to the WHO. And now there are just 25 health workers for the 291 remaining patients. The premature babies were considered to be in “extremely critical condition,” the WHO said.*

    Here’s the full link: https://www.npr.org/2023/11/19/1214024420/gaza-israel-al-shifa-hospital-evacuation

    So NO, the IDF didn’t do anything for a single patient in that hospital. But, you know, whatever makes you sleep at night.

  • By trading them in for Palestinian kids and women rotting away in Israeli jails.

    Also, reform the judiciary branch so Palestinians aren’t judged by 1 Israeli judge with a conviction rate of 98%. Maybe a council of three judges: Israeli, Palestinian and Christian. And throw an atheist in there too.

    Counteroffensive Israel fucked up that plan the minute they also went bloodlust and revenge massacre. It’s too late now with so many killed. You can expect a second Hamas with a different name to attack Israel within 15/20ish years max. Unless you change.

    Normally cooler heads should have prevailed but they’re stuck with Netanyahu.

    You should have enforced your borders, so nothing gets in. At the same time, you should have tightened and upped diplomatic relations with everyone else in the region instead of alienating and threatening them. Chances were, they would have helped you get the Hamas military wing labeled as terrorists in the region and made no place safe for them. No one wants to see dead civilians. (Granted this doesn’t count for Hezbollah).

    Negotiating a deal for the hostage exchanges and knowing Hamas, it would have taken months or years maybe, but most of them would have made it out alive. And this will give you the time you’ll need.

    Use your intelligence services to get every name and face of the Hamas that killed civilians.Once your list is complete, then you start hunting them down. Just like the Mossad did with ex-nazi’s. No matter how long it takes.

    Make a long-term plan to get the Palestinians not on your side really, but on their OWN side. Free from Israel AND Hamas. Give them a better life, let them prosper, live their lives, raise their kids and grow old. You don’t want them and they don’t want you, so a 2 state is the only solution. With each country having its own governance.

    Once people value their lives and families and have something to live for, they won’t be sucked into this rage, hate and hopelessness and join something that’ll be just another Hamas.

    Normal people don’t join terrorists/freedom fighter causes, desperate people do.