Not the one.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • What is a study nurse? Is it a nurse educator or research nurse?

    The nurses I have known who moved into case management from bedside were surprised with the demands of that job but that is in the US. From my experience, it seems like case management turnover rates are high.

    What is your area of expertise? I am assuming that you are a bit computer savvy by being on a fediverse platform and if so, what about looking into clinical informatics?

    I would be hesitant about moving into a position with lower pay. I’ve done both bedside and desk jobs as a nurse and personally, looking at all the info you have shared, I would stick to bedside if you aren’t burnt out yet until a better paying/hours/benefits administrative job opportunity comes around. But if you are already burned out, definitely do something else or you will be miserable. You can always return to bedside if things don’t work out.

    Feel free to DM me if you want someone to bounce ideas off of.

    Best of luck.

  • This comment includes all the shows I would also recommend.

    Babylon 5 came out about the same time as Star Trek DS9. The first season is sometimes hard to get through, but well worth it. The character development and storylines are mostly excellent as they grow and intersect throughout the show. Season 5 can take or leave.

    Farscape is another one where some people are turned off by the Jim Henson puppetesque characters. Another older show but has some great storylines and character development.

    Red Dwarf, older British Humor, silly.

    Highly recommend giving Farscape and Bab5 a try.

  • Well, it is currently just after 7pm. My FIL passed this am. We were expecting it sooner than later. We took him in our house after his last hospitalization 3+ weeks ago. He made the decision it was time and to go on hospice. Been fighting a terminal illness for years.

    I am thankful we made that decision instead of sending him to a facility. We made him as comfortable as possible and he had support and visits from loved one during this transition.

    The last few weeks have been rough on my husband and I, but we did the best we could and I am happy we were able to provide him with the love and care he needed in his past weeks. We are both quite exhausted and have a few more things to tie up.

    I am thankful we were able to provide him with the comfort, love, and care he needed. He is at peace and our hearts are filled with peace and love.

    Had a few drinks this evening and am trailing off. Happy for the Lemmy/Fediverse community to share with, even though we are all anonymous strangers. Thanks for the ongoing support of the lemmy devs, instance hosts, communities, and users for providing a wonderful place to share and connect with others.

    Be safe and be blessed my random internet friends.