• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • If those are the only episodes you remember, emphatically yes; I (internet stranger) highly recommend a re-watch! From the beginning.

    If you’re not a big sci-fi fan in general, and aren’t looking to forgive a little outlandishness from time to time, and/or don’t usually appreciate some dry, yet campy humor, it may just not be for you. But, otherwise, it’s very entertaining, especially by standards of modern TV writing.

    I probably re-watch it every few years, though admittedly it’s less enjoyable here and there, but it ended as well as it could have given production yadda yadda. It has its faults, but they’re understandable when following along with a little easily found online trivia. The final, “new” seasons I couldn’t get through, though. I’ve tried, but no. Wouldn’t recommend.

    Sorry, two sentences turned into many, because clarification.

  • I just keep it to my phone, and have an app timer set for 1 hour +5 minutes. It’s nice if I’m at home, I know it’ll cover my daily walking steps, as I pace donuts around the house, which also gets me off my ass and moving, so when I want to browse Lemmy, I try to do so whilst pacing. Regardless, when I get the notification saying the app will shut down in 5 minutes, I know how long I’ve been on, and kinda do a self-reflective check on how well the time was spent.

    If I’m writing a comment that will take time and attention, though, I often just switch to a note, and copy/paste, cause I’ll work on something like that for much longer, before often deciding not to post anything, at all. (งツ)ว

  • I have a lot of weird food habits thanks to years of eating disorders and just generally being a fucking weirdo, but lately I enjoy mixing a couple tablespoons of raw coconut flour with just enough sugar-free Torani s’mores flavored syrup to give it a cookie dough texture, and a bit of salt. It’s like a bowl of sugar cookie dough my delusional need to stay too-thin doesn’t feel terrible about, and since the artificial sugar and citric acid isn’t a great reaction with my meds, I only have it from time to time. 100% do(n’t) recommend!

  • If you need ask that question, I’m not sure I could offer an answer that may be satisfactory, or relatable to your own experiences (because it most definitely differs)! Though, I know it can come with its own cons for some, it’s fantastic that were able to receive a childhood diagnosis, and don’t feel similarly to adults who grew up with their ADHD symptoms being dismissed to the point that we regularly question our own validity. I have my own [insert sob story here] reasons for why I doubt myself, but no, I don’t doubt my diagnosis.