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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • There are so many Persuade options and the mini game for it is done well enough


    There’s flavor text options I guess but NPCs don’t even acknowledge what you say. They always respond with a canned “I didn’t think about it that way”, or “oh, interesting”

    The “minigame” is just rolling three dice instead of one dice roll like in the past.

  • I agree, but you’ve described very small areas in the game you purely run through maybe doing small 5 minute side quests in. Outside of that there’s basically 1 interior style that you’re looking at for every ship, space station, mars, the moon, and every other settlement.

    It’s like if Fallout 4 had Diamond city, the institute, the railroad, and every other outdoor location looked like the Glowing Sea: flat, rocky, one building type.

  • God I would kill (every NPC) for an Obsidian-made Skyrim.

    Tbh Outer Worlds is kinda a kill-every-NPC Starfield.

    Also there’s not really a gameplay appeal of FO:NV (or FO3). 2008 is really where games got shooting mechanics down and Bethesda’s engine didn’t really get there until 2015. That’s why VATS exists.

    FO was a very TTRPG-like (CRPG) game for a long time so the focus wasnt on gameplay.