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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It’s a journey. You may find that a wide variety of neurological and muscle issues ease or vanish with a super strict GF diet. There’s also evidence that within 5 years of starting a true GF diet many with celiac find that other food intolerances wane or disappear.

    I just bought a gluten free cookbook that comes highly recommended called ‘The Gluten Free Cook’ by Cristian Broglia, an Italian chef, who looked for naturally gluten free recipes from around the world. This seems to be the kind of thing that might be useful to you. (Haven’t really tried much in it myself yet.)

    One cookbook that I find super reliable is ‘Healthy Gluten Free Eating’ by Davina Allen and Rosemary Kearney of the Ballymaloe Cooking School in Cork, Ireland. Ireland has the highest prevalence of celiac in the world and the Chef’s school there has been at the forefront of developing workable recipes.

    Another cookbook that I rely on is ‘Gluten Free Flour Power’.

    Last, ‘Baked to Perfection’ is a recent award winning GF baking book by a woman who was a PhD student in inorganic chemistry when she wrote it. She understands a great deal about making GF baking work and explains it in an understandable way.

  • Startide Rising is the best of them all.

    Sundiver is quite good too.

    The later books were deeply marred by Brin’s giving into pressure from his editors to centre them on a group of adolescent males of diverse species because his publisher was of the view that the average scientific fiction reader was a 14 year old male. Brin has written about this and how difficult it was for him to write outside his natural quite adult style. His fantastic characters from Startide Rising are pushed into the background and only get to step forward and shine again at the very end.

  • I have to say that I just don’t get the hype about this book.

    Project Hail Mary is really targeted at a middle grade reading and maturity level. I would have happily given it to our kids to read in middle grade (as I did The Martian).

    It’s a Robinson Crusoe meets a buddy in space boys-own-adventure tale (although Weir insists on male gendering a hermaphrodite when ‘they/them’ is well understood). There are clear indications that the story was told to pull in immature readers - starting with the ludicrous scene where Grace has spent days waiting for zero G without stowing any of his lab equipment or supplies.

    It’s a compellingly written ‘work the problem’ read but anything beyond high school science concepts isn’t really there. Once again, I feel like we’re seeing more overhyped STEM based on concepts that haven’t advanced beyond what a mid 20th century bachelors degree would cover.

    It held my attention as an easy read while fighting a bug, I can’t see picking up another of his books for myself.

    There are a few very odd ‘too much information’ references to sexual relationships and use of alcohol that seem almost awkwardly placed to bump up the level, but there’s not really enough in there to even warrant the ‘school edition’ treatment that ‘The Martian’ got. Otherwise nothing stretches past middle grade emotional maturity.

    All told, I was expecting more.