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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Shadywack@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldGNU-Linux
    3 days ago

    Poettering is a douchebag, a Royal fucking asshole, who happened to code a usable, performant, well coded project hosting subprojects that does a better job for the users than all their predecessors.

    He’s the guy people love to hate, and he’s really damn good.

  • Yes it is.

    “iT’S oNLy a FeW hUnDrED MB oF LiBRAriES and BiNAriES pEr aPp, iT’S oNLy dOuBLe oR tRiPLe tHe RAM, DiSk, anD cpU uSAgE”

    Then we have the fucking shit show of 6-8GB of RAM used just by booting the fucking machine. Chromium/Webkit is practically an OS by itself for all the I/O, media handling, and built in libraries upon libraries of shit. Let’s run that whole entire stack for all these electron apps, and then fragment each one independent of each other (hello Discord, who used Electron 12 for WAY too long) then say “bUt iT’s pORtaBLe!”.

    Yes, it isn’t just terrible, it’s fucking obnoxiously and horrendously terrible, like we grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory terrible, and moronically insipid. Optimization in the fucking trash can and a fire hydrant in all our fucking assholes, terrible. That’s HOW terrible it actually is, so you’re wrong.

  • This is exactly why I call corporate DEI fucking worthless. It’s pinkwashing with nothing substantive behind it. We see all the rainbows during pride month, while at the same time companies disregard all protected classes (and unprotected classes) quite equally in the layoffs and unethical worker treatment. Cis, trans, gay, straight, queer, furry, binary or non binary, old, and young are all equally getting fucked.

  • I read

    In fact, some execs told The Times that streamers will keep raising prices for the ad-free tiers with the aim of pushing more customers to sign up for ad-supported subscriptions instead.

    And then interpreted enshittification. The whole point was that we wanted convenience, and no ads. Ads are a terrific revenue driver that also goes through a bidding process, so they want the growth.

    What I see next is a return to the cat and mouse game of mass pirating since there’s no agreement on the value proposition. People hate ads, we want to pay a fair price, and execs are just greedy motherfuckers operating on the mentality of extract the most possible monetarily with the absolute minimum cost, sacrifice quality, and fuck it all for the short term. Line must go up even if it’s just for another 120 days.

    Some of those changes would be welcome, but they reinforce the sense that streaming — at least as envisioned by the executives currently running the business — won’t be all that different from the old cable TV ecosystem. Some things will be better (on-demand viewing), some will be worse (compensation for writers, actors, and other talent), and there might be different players at the top. But in many ways, it will feel like the same old TV.

    Typical executive cunts.

  • I really see a lot of grocery prices, and the complaints about them, and then I look at how grocery stores mostly stock some permutation of corn and 5+ aisles of snack shit that’s worse for you than even fast food, while being comparably expensive. The truth is that buying core ingredients and actually cooking, preparing a meal, from scratch, saves you a shit ton of money over the bullshit most people buy. The issue is really that of time budget, in hustle culture we get so busy living life and being tied to the toil of work that the time left to reasonably cook for yourself falls off.

    The idea of stepping back, forcing boundaries, and learning this skill, while painful, is still a good thing. Eating less shit, and more good ingredients, leads to better health overall. I hate the price gouging but love what this may lead to. Just fucking cook something healthy with real ingredients, and you may find it’s not just lentils, beans, potatoes, and cheap shit. People might check out some recipes and rediscover the produce area with cheap as fuck awesome ingredients and make stuff that restaurants typically don’t match on quality because the fucking same Sysco Foods truck just drops of microwaveable shit at each restaurant in town and they all just serve you fucked up gross shit you could’ve done far better than on your own.