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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I learned about catbox.moe recently. It’s pretty great. Simple interface, uploads up to 200mb, files are kept forever, and when you upload a picture, it gives you the actual direct link to the image; not like every other image hoster that gives you a link to the “image page”, then you have to right click on the image and copy the link address to actually get the direct link.

    Only thing that sucks is it doesn’t strip exif data from the pictures uploaded, but not a huge deal since I just use it for memes and random pics anyway.

  • I currently have 32 tabs open in Edge, albeit most of them have been suspended.

    I also have FFXIV running at 40-60 fps. I could start encoding a video right now, and Edge would slow down minimally, if at all.

    But for some reason, Firefox has always been slower for me. Basically everyone’s experience with slow Chrome is my experience with slow Firefox. I truly don’t understand why.