• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • ChatGPT

    An epic raid boss, the Echo Tyrant, in a spectral, ghostly appearance, cloaked in shifting shadows with glowing eyes that flicker between reality and the spectral world. The setting is a hauntingly beautiful cathedral with shifting walls and hidden alcoves. The Echo Tyrant is surrounded by spectral duplicates. Focus on a single, tiny warrior facing the massive Echo Tyrant, enhancing the scale and drama of the battle. The environment is dimly lit, creating an eerie and mystical atmosphere, perfect for a high-stakes video game battle scene.

  • I rely on notifications from glsa-check or my distro’s package manager. I was notified about a problem with xz-utils on Thursday evening, but didn’t see anyone post about it until Friday morning.

    glsa-check is a command-line tool included with the gentoolkit package in Gentoo Linux. Its primary function is to scan your system for installed packages that are vulnerable according to Gentoo Linux Security Advisories (GLSAs). GLSAs are official notifications from the Gentoo security team about security vulnerabilities that affect packages in the Gentoo repository.