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Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • What a shit article. There’s a massive amount of context missing.

    7DTD is a game created by The Fun Pimps. Telltale Games bought the rights to produce a console port of the game from TFP. Telltale Games then contracted with Iron Galaxy to produce the port. Telltale Games went bankrupt and it’s assets were liquidated, one of those assets was the rights to produce the console port. TFP managed to buy back the rights to the console port, but were unable to get any of the source code for the console port. It took years to get the rights sorted out, and it wasn’t cheap.

    It’s a messed up situation, but console players bought a Playstation 4/XBox One game from Telltale Games, a company that went bankrupt and is defunct, and that sucks. TFP is now starting from scratch to produce a console port for the current generation of consoles and that costs money.

  • If anyone has ideas, please let me know.

    1. Keep voting against fascism, and eventually, if we are able to hold that line, the old guard will die off and we can get some real change. Ex: Dianne Feinstein, she’s gone now and we’re going to get Adam Schiff who’s better, or hopefully Katie Porter who’s even better than Schiff.

    2. Do what you can to people on board with better voting systems like ranked choice voting, approval voting, anything that gets us away from first past the post bullshit. Use it for game night, use it in the office, etc. Get it into the mainstream public conscious. Until enough people start asking why we don’t use it for elections.

  • If I have a gun but the government doesn’t care, am I not exercising my 2a rights?

    No, you are not.

    You have a right to not be unduly burdened by the government in owning or procuring a gun.

    It does not follow that because the government is not allowed to arbitrarily restrict your ability to own a gun, you therefor have a “right to own a gun”. For example, if you do not own a gun, and everyone who does own a gun doesn’t want to give/sell you a gun, your 2a rights were not violated.


    Putting up a lost cat flyer, and having some random person yell at you for it is not exercising the “right to free speech” (for either party).

    You have a right to not be unduly burdened by the government in speech/expression.

    It does not follow that because the government is not allowed to arbitrarily restrict your speech/expression, you therefor have a right to speech/expression in all contexts. For example, if you want to go on a rant about your personal beliefs, the government unduly burdened you. However this will not stop the owner of the grocery store from calling the cops to have you trespassed for bothering all of the customers.

  • An Advice of Counsel defense is basically saying “I’m not responsible for my actions because my lawyer said it was legal for me to do.” If that’s the case, Attorney Client Privilege is waved and all communication between trump and his lawyers (that said “it was OK”, not the current lawyers) should be provided as evidence. Basically provide the evidence to support the AoC defense.

    It’s basic discovery. trump is stalling for time, and cannon is helping. If trump goes with the AoC defense, day one of the trial is going to be him claiming AoC and the prosecutors asking for the relevant evidence to review which will stall the case because they’ll ‘need at least a month to get all the records together’ and then the prosecutors will need to review them, and I’m certain it will be the most unorganized mess handed off. Like shitty scans of faxes of the emails all off center and slightly rotated… So OCR will be a nightmare.

  • The intent is the most difficult element to determine. To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Cultural destruction does not suffice, nor does an intention to simply disperse a group. It is this special intent, or dolus specialis, that makes the crime of genocide so unique. In addition, case law has associated intent with the existence of a State or organizational plan or policy, even if the definition of genocide in international law does not include that element.

    Importantly, the victims of genocide are deliberately targeted - not randomly – because of their real or perceived membership of one of the four groups protected under the Convention (which excludes political groups, for example). This means that the target of destruction must be the group, as such, and not its members as individuals. Genocide can also be committed against only a part of the group, as long as that part is identifiable (including within a geographically limited area) and “substantial.”


    Colloquially, it’s genocide, but legally it does not appear to be. And that’s a problem if you’re trying to charge Israel with genocide in a court of law. Inevitably it’s going to be found to not be genocide and that’s one more thing Israel can point to. Crimes against humanity would probably been a better route.

    It’s going to be hard, if not impossible to show in court that Israel, as a policy, is deliberately targeting Palestinians. Showing Isael’s actions is resulting in shit tons of civilian casualties seems pretty easy. Maybe there’s super secret documents that show it’s a deliberate act, but I highly doubt they’d be that dumb if genocide is their intention.

  • and that is demonstrably false or they wouldn’t have let Portal Revolution release. if they were going to be litigious about the Portal IP, why would they DMCA Portal64 but not Revolution?

    Revolution is a mod for Portal 2 and requires the purchase of Portal 2 to play. Anyone who wants to play it has already given money to valve, or needs to. Revolution Is great for Valve, they do basically nothing and get they more sales of Portal 2. Portal64 does nothing for Valve.

    There is a very clear incentive for Valve to not only allow but boost Revolution.

    While Valve permits Revolution, a game that benefits the company, it does not imply they would also permit Portal64, a game that lacks benefits for Valve.

  • The issue with Valheim is it’s not really a dedicated server. It’s more of a shared saved game repository.

    Whoever gets to a region first is the host, and everyone nearby connects to them. If that person has a slow machine, or high latency to the other players it can be really painful. When I was playing with friends, we banned one person from entering dungeons first because they had the worst computer in the group and it was really bad for the rest of us. Same thing with our main base, if they wound up the host, they’d disconnect and log back in so someone else would become host.