• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Jesus, dude. Chill a bit. They were kids who were sold a bill of goods. Some of them legitimately believed they were doing something good and noble when they enlisted, and the people in power abused that ideology. It’s not the veteran’s fault. Hold people in power responsible, not the people who trusted them.

    Edit: there’s no sense in arguing with you on this. I just saw your other comments, seems like you’ve got zero empathy. Wish you the best, champ. Hope you find some compassion in your life.

  • If you think about it from a security perspective, it makes sense. If a random person you don’t know sends you an email, the chances are non-zero that it contains something malicious. The provider has an obligation to filter emails that could be dangerous. They know that if a large email service sends an email, they have that same obligation and are therefore doing some filtering on their side to prevent malicious content. Trust is pretty important.