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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Sorry to hear that, it’s the same for us in Italy tho where our taxes are also used to support religious schools. Furthermore, churches and any business associated with the Catholic church do not pay any tax at all thanks to Mr. Mussolini and the lateranensi pacts who defined anything religious as exempted from state control or overview; so we are not only robbed by force through our taxes being distributed to catholic schools, but we are also robbed of all the missing income we could collect from church activities who turn a profit at the end of the month (and they are many, surprisingly priests seem to love money very much. Probably as much as jesoous)

  • Yeah, I know, but even his story is far from being over. He might be dead but his clan and his way if conducting business are certainly not over: assuming the opposite is exactly what mafia would like us to know since it requires ignorance from both the people and the state to thrive at the best of its abilities.

    Cave semper canem when talking about mafia and choose your words carefully as they are vmmasters if trickery and deception on top of being horrible human beings (if such kind of animals can be even called “humans” at this point).

    Peppino Impastato forever an hero, Messina Denaro forever a shitstain on the heel of the Italian boot

  • To me for example was always fine. I got it on launch day and with my PC I experienced very minor issues and almost no crash (maybe one if I remember correctly) and, even if it wasn’t the game CD Project Red marketing department had led us to believe, it was a nice and enjoyable experience for me.

    I mount an i9-9900k with an Asus motherboard and a 3070 dual fan, I don’t recall the precise model right now; not a fancy build as I use a very old case and air cooling, but it gets the job done for a 1440 experience at circa 45 FPS.

    Now I’m curious to test this 2.0 patch, I’m watching my brother playing on his PC right now and, with a 1070, he’s still getting good performances and the game mechanics look nice! The skill trees are really interesting, I can’t wait to try it out myself!

  • I do absolutely agree with you, the mistake we are making is the value we place on management jobs: as of today society thinks of managers as above the production workers but, in reality, it should be the other way around.

    A good management can increase the profitability of a workforce but will never be able to do the same job the workforce does.

    On the contrary workers can and have proven to be able to do the management work if tasked with this request and can even do better. This scares the managers who are doing whatever they can to hide this truth from their employees.

    We just need to understand the power we do have in our hands to finally win this uphill battle against interest groups, and COVID has greatly helped us in this sense. Even in your case you could arrange a strike with your colleagues to force your manager to understand how shit he is at his job and force him to resign by going to his direct superior should he not be able to change his ways. Should he be the owner of the company: leave. It’s better to be between jobs that to be chained to a desk which makes you unhappy everyday of your life IMHO.

  • This is not a “succession planning” the owners of the companies left and the workers were faced with a choice: loose their jobs or take the place of those who betrayed them. They went for the latter option and re-arranged the companies structures by themselves, proving that workers can do the management job without problems. Read the article that I attached to my comment please. I still haven’t heard one single example of the contrary from you.

    It would be literally impossible for me to explain in a single comment how disastrous that was for the company.

    It was such a disaster that you are not able to explain it in a comment nor to find an external reference which may do that in your place. Must be hard being this comfortable in your world view without any supporting evidence. Furthermore I reckon this company is still up and running. Tell me, would an equal percentage of the working force had left instead of the middle and senior management do you think you would still have a job today?

  • On the other hand I can bring you countless examples of factories and plants shut down due to mismanagement caused by the company upper echelons. The presence of a management is not the reason why companies provides their goods and services to their customers, it’s the workforce behind them the reason why they are able to maintain their businesses.

    Point proven, there are many instances of companies whose management left due to financial hardships which were picked up by their unionised workforce who were able to continue and grow the company business (https://www.mitbestimmung.it/workers-buyouts-a-growing-trend-in-italy-50-companies-saved-by-workers-in-last-5-years/). I’m not aware of any example of the contrary tho, can you bring any to the table?

    The banking system: as far as private banking goes I’m with you, a stop the their activities would be a blow to the world economy. But, even in this turbo-capitalist system, we still do have central banks which answer to the states and which would be required to intervene in a catastrophic event such as a general strike to limit its ramifications. We would loose access to our savings, that’s true, but with enough cooperation between workers and states, I’m sure we would be able to bring the bankers to their knees.

    Lastly, here in Europe we do have union for managers and CEOs, none of whom has ever called for a strike. One might think it has to do with the fact that they are the ones taking the decisions and therefore don’t need to have their voices heard but the reality is far more mundane: nobody would give a shit should they quit their job and workers would be more than qualified to obtain their positions should they never come back to work.