⚛️ Color 🎨

Elaine | Made in Abyss and Pikmin connoisseur | Artist

*No AI is used in my process.

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  • 42 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2024


  • Why does a car need to be connected to the internet? A reliable rule of conduct in aeronautics is that systems which are deemed critical to safety are air gapped from the systems which are connected to the internet, so in the event that those systems are compromised by malware or hackers, the safety critical systems won’t also be compromised.

    Why is it seemingly taking automotive manufacturers so long to catch on to this principle? Before anyone mentions downloadable features, I do not see that as a means of justification. Like with videogames, if you’re paying good money for a product, that product should already be finished by release. Hiding content that should already exist on a car is egregious and the normalisation of it incentivizes manufacturers to release vehicles that are incomplete and should not have been released in their current state.

  • When I was little, I enjoyed “inventing” things, or drawing designs for things, mostly consisting of aircraft or space ships. One of them was a sub that was constructed out of transparent inflatable plastic, similar to a Zorb ball, so you’d have an unobstructed view of the ocean. It was tear drop shaped and the appeal of the Zorb ball construction was that it’d be comfortable to lie in as you roamed the depths of the ocean. As I got older I learned more about physics and realised what a terrible idea that would actually be.