Motorcross Enthusiast
West Virginia University (CFB and CBB)
Tennessee Titans and Nashville Predators
Elder Scrolls Online (Xbox NA)
Rocket League
Helldivers 2

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2024


  • As much as I hate to say it, Ubisoft has a really solid game on their hands. Some issue with netcode and I think the XIM/Cronus use is going to rise pretty quickly, but other games have dealt with it before. I’ve enjoyed the few hours I put in so far and will be playing it tonight with the boys. I’d like to see a classic TDM but hotshot works for now. Also a really cool take on the Kill Confirmed gametype

  • It’s much less of an issue now, likely due to anti-cheat and also the current bans in other countries so it’s not really spoken about much anymore. Honestly, if people wanna cheat, go for it, especially in a game like this. There is a bit of worry about effecting major orders an inordinate amount, but even then, it would probably be a small amount.

  • CMLVI@lemmy.worldtoHelldivers 2@lemmy.caI'm still having a good time
    1 month ago

    Because it’s group rewards. That person gets 2k super samples, you also get 2k super samples. It, by definition, ruins progression for others.

    Might not have been clear in initial comment; on launch, people were joining open groups and cheaters were spoofing the rewards. So when a mission completed, you got a bunch of mats and stuff and your account was basically bricked for “progression” unless AH did a manual rollback.

  • CMLVI@lemmy.worldtoHelldivers 2@lemmy.caI'm still having a good time
    1 month ago

    People have cheated in the samples and req slips and such and ruined progression for others. It’s not the same as competition cheating, but the “point” of the game is the grind, and some lost out on it. I think AH rolled back most of the effected accounts though, but it’s a little deeper than just no PvP = cheats sorta fine

  • We had 3 of us on level 7 bots dropping them and we maybe hit 80? Granted, we aren’t elite with placement, but when the enemies is engulfed in the fireball and then they walk through it, something is up. I think there are issues with elevation too, if they are too low or too high, it just won’t hit, and Marfark is too hilly to be consistent.

  • CMLVI@lemmy.worldtoHelldivers 2@lemmy.caAH fixing spawn rate
    2 months ago

    For as much flack as the game is getting because of Sony, it’s been really easy to like Arrowhead in general. Not everyone will be happy with changes to any game, but they’re decently open with what they’re doing and the intent behind it, and are willing to say when they may have introduced a bug and revert changes back.

    Now if only Sony would stop being Sony…

  • This is my thought as well. The whole point of this system is that if you feel like you have better choices and ability, you are well within your rights to spin up your own instance and manage it, and make your own choices. Just follow the standards, and you should be able to integrate with existing platforms. They are free to defederate, but that’s their call to do so. It’s always been a tradeoff, and one of the big things with Reddit is that, even to a point now, it’s Reddit or nothing. With federated sites, leaving a platform isn’t starting completely over like it is leaving Reddit.

  • It’s the exact same argument for the company. Protect the money. Benefits for the Union? It’s money via benefits. If stock price isn’t motivation for the company, it isn’t motivation for the Union. If keeping the negatove publicity of a drug problem on the lines a secret is motivation for the Union, keeping the negative publicity of a corner cutting secret is motivation for the company (ESPECIALLY amid previous negative publicity with the 737 Max fiasco). If maintaining power is motivation for the Union, keeping power via Boeings 42% market share is motivation for the company. Unless Boeing is not motivated by money, or it’s not motivated to keep a positive public appearance, or it’s not motivated by keeping power, which I’d argue are ALL motivations of a publicly international corporation worth hundreds of billions of dollars, then I fail to see why these are motivations that preclude Boeing Co.

  • There are $105.6 billion in reasons. Public knowledge of safety measures and quality control directly effects stock price. That’s billions of dollars tied up in knowledge not becoming public. Who benefits? Shareholders. Not knowing who did it doesn’t mean it wasn’t murder. Plenty of murders happen without knowing the culprit or even specific motive. The guy outright said “if I die, I was killed”. And then he kills himself for the memes? What’s his motive for suicide, especially given his quotes regarding it?