I made this post because I really like the design of GNOME, and although i’d like customizability, it is mostly enough for my everyday needs. But I want to understand why people may choose other desktop environments…or why you would/would’nt use GNOME.

  • jaykstah@waveform.social
    1 year ago

    It’s vey pretty and clean but the default workflow just does not work for me. Having to dig up extensions for basic window management features which end up breaking with major updates is a pain. Also while gnome-tweaks is cool and all there are plenty of settings that should just be in the main settings app rather than being “tweaks” imo.

    Overall I’d much prefer KDE Plasma, out of the box it has a lot of features and ways to configure it through the main settings app to fit my preferred way of doing things. While many see the plethora of options as a con, I’d rather have them there and implemented with the option to just disable what I don’t use rather than installing extensions to get what’s missing.

    GNOME is great for people who enjoy doing things the GNOME way but if you need more than that it’s just a hassle to configure and maintain for me personally.