ChatGPT use declines as users complain about ‘dumber’ answers, and the reason might be AI’s biggest threat for the future::AI for the smart guy?

  • 👁️👄👁️
    1 year ago

    It’s a tool that’s not going anywhere. We have to adapt, there is no other choice. Ethics will not stop bad guys from doing bad things. It will stop normal people from doing things because it doesn’t fit what corporations deem acceptable. Competition is banned because other corporations deem them unethical by their standards.

    Did you weigh in on, or ever see a public vote and what OpenAI determined their AI is allowed to do? Is what you deem ethical in line with that advertisers deem ethical? Are people allowed to have unethical questions?

    Again, my point with open source as well. Why would they allow open-source alternatives exist if they can ban them preemptively in the name of ethics, because anyone can inevitably modify the model to be uncensored? (already happens)

    “Ethics” become this ambiguous thing that can be used to stomp out competition and not have to justify their changes. Maybe you’re concerned about someone asking an LLM how to create a bomb. The LLM shouldn’t answer because it shouldn’t have that information in the first place, which is on the topic of data scraping. A lot of the dangerous stuff that could be generated is because this stuff is public and got scraped. It’s already out there.

    You can already have the LLM not tell people to kill themselves without forcing ethics into it by steering it the right direction. This even exist in the already existing uncensored models so it’s clearly not a censorship issue. Maybe this is a moral thing, and my original comment should have omiited morals and just said ethics.

    “Ethics” is a very ambiguous topic. I challenge you to think specifically what are things that should be banned in the name of ethics? Saying ethics in AI is not good does not imply AI should be unethical (looking at you DAN lol). What specific things should be banned that are not from the result of inappropriate data scraping, and if so is that an ethics problem, or because unfettered data scraping unconsentually collecting obscene information it shouldn’t have in the first place?