I’ve been informed that adblock plus sort of sucks now. If you’re looking for one, go for UBlock Origin.

  • Blackmist@feddit.uk
    1 year ago

    It’s become even worse since mobile became dominant.

    Now the ads are no longer a bit of text or a gif, but full page shit covering the top half of what you want to see and stubbornly staying in place even as you scroll. The bottom half of the screen is a sea of cookie and data consent forms who’s only interest is in making you agree out of sheer frustration.

    And this is fuelled by bullshit, clickbait driven sites that use 10 paragraphs of useless AI generated padding with ads in between, to resist telling you what you went there to find out.

    Google has destroyed the usability of the internet, and if it wasn’t them it would have been some other greedy fuckers.