I’m looking to play casually (in person) with some friends and we were wondering what the cheapest format to start buying for would be? And what might be some good pick ups (we have the starter decks but want some more variety) thanks

  • stankmut@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Pauper is a cheap format by design, since it’s only commons.

    Commander is cheap if you buy precons. Very different style of play compared to other formats though. If you want to play with 4 people, it’s a great format.

    There are also the pioneer or standard precons that Wizards occasionally puts out. They aren’t great for actually playing competively in those formats, since Wizards likes to leave out important cards, but they are fun if you are new.

  • Firestorm Druid@lemmy.zip
    1 year ago

    For sure pauper. It’s a format where only commons are legal. There is quite a lot of power contained there like Lotus Petal, Brainstorm, or Gurmag Angler, but you don’t even have to play those necessarily to get a good deck going.

    If the meta hasn’t switched a lot by now, Mono Red should still be super good, pretty much one of if not the best deck, and it would run you like 60-70€ maybe. That’s pretty cheap all things considered. But you can get something good going for a lot less. Especially when considering casual play.