The Grace Hopper Celebration is meant to unite women in tech. This year droves of men came looking for jobs.

    1 year ago

    Women already have a huge advantage. I also role where you get 70 qualified applicants for a role, you automatically take the 5 women that applied and put them on the short list. He’ll the hiring director at my current job striaght up told me the only reason I got the job was because the woman who initially got it pulled out for a better job and none of the other women who initially applied wanted it when they contacted them.

    Vast majority of tech works are women" “women are way more likely to hold high level tech jobs” “Men have to fight to to be taken seriously by tech bosses” also sound sexist but it’s literally true for men.

    And there are fields where women make up the majority of workers, but we don’t discriminate against them because of it. There are also jobs that are dangerous and shittily paid where the majority of workers are men, but we don’t give women an advantage there either.