• Shardikprime@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Depends on your starting point, but, in broad strokes, the world is getting overall better. Some things are getting worse in some places, especially over short periods of time, and a big part of the goodness is coming from technology, but overall we’re getting richer, and less a-holy with each other.

    We tend to focus on what sucks now, and forget how much things sucked before :). For example, if you’re in the US, the civil rights movement was still happening ~50 years ago. Medgar Evers was murdered in 1963, 60 years ago, and MLK in 1969, 54 years ago.

    For an international example, the GDP of China has gone up 100x since 1986. WWII ended just 80 years ago.

    There is more wealth disparity but people are still less in poverty than before and have higher living standards. Lower class can still have shelter, food, technology, and new inventions nowadays.

    By a modern measure. The 70’s were insanely racist. Better not be gay, let alone trans. A women who wants to be an accomplished professional? Better be ten times smarter than your compatriots, and even then maybe better to marry a man you can work with.

    I mean we don’t have roving bands of marauders that are raping and pillaging across the land. Most of the world is not starving and there are no ongoing plagues wiping out humanity.

    As bad as things seem we are living in one of the most peaceful and plentiful times. We have access to most of the world’s knowledge and entertainment in the palm of our hand.

    Not saying things could not be better but they could be a hell of a lot worse.

    People who don’t see that basically want to live in extreme stress for no apparent reason