• XIIIesq@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    My old person trait is a belief that anyone that works full time should be able to aspire to own their own home, support their wife and kids and still have a little left over to save at the end of the month.

    Edit: It kind of sucks that I wrote a comment about making work pay like it used to and people are arguing about whether I’m a mysoganist that wants women back in the kitchen. (I’m not, I’m happy for women to work as much as they want too, it’d just be nice for double income homes to be doing it out of choice and thriving because of it, rather than having to do it out of necessity.)

      • XIIIesq@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        That’s a fact, not an opinion that implies contempt, prejudice or a hatred of women.

        You can try to deny millions of years of evolution if you want.

        People don’t like to admit it, but despite all the advantages of our modern society, our DNA is essentially unchanged from when we were all cavemen.

        If you were a cave woman and you had the option of two cavemen who are essentially identical except for that one makes a successful hunt everyday and the other only makes a successful hunt every week. Who would you choose to help you raise a family? And vice versa, if you were the caveman and you knew that women were selective of men based upon who can provide well for the raising of children, would you want to be making a successful hunt daily, or weekly?

        We can cry about how unfair it is, but the vast majority of women today, whether they want to admit it or not, absolutely consider economic status as something to weigh up when selecting a partner, men do also consider this, but not nearly to the same extent. Please don’t misinterpret anything I’m saying here as resentful or hateful, it’s not it’s life, you can choose not to accept this, but it doesn’t change the facts.

        Inb4, yh but we’re not cavemen any more. I’ve already addressed that.