Real question. I would like to know what drives you to hate Apple? (In terms of privacy of course because in terms of price it’s another story).

    4 months ago

    Their way or no way

    The one Apple product I still own is an iPad and I run into this constantly.

    • Support for network shares in the files app is barely functional at best (“Just use iCloud!”)

    • Mouse support is still super limited (“Just use touch!”)

    • You can’t install applications from anywhere but the appstore (“sECuRIty”)

    • You can’t install a proper browser or browser extensions (I don’t know even know what Apple’s excuse for this one would be)

    • You can’t disable or modify window tiling (“It’s just like an iPhone, because fuck multitasking!”)

    Apple sells the iPad as a computer replacement, but basically all its capable of is watching Netflix or basic note-taking. The longer I use this thing the more I want to buy some x86 tablet that I can just install Linux on instead.