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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I fucking love those games to death, Thief was so fucking dark and gritty when it first came out and I was so scared when the guards walked past me as I was hiding in the shadows after water arrowing a torch, lol.

    And Deus Ex I with it’s multiple storylines, choice making and takes on philosophy was mind blowing.

    However, they’re easy to cheese by modern standards which might be to their detriment when it comes to new players. You can easily blackjack your way through Thief I.

    Thief III: Deadly Shadows probably holds up the best gameplay wise, though Thief II has the best storyline imo.

    Deus Ex I also has some very unfortunate voice acting choices (incl. white people putting on Asian sounding accents), which I, in the 90s, was ignorant about, but now as an adult it’s a cringy struggle to listen to, tbh.

  • I mean, yes, that is true for your spare time. But with the way things are working now, everything has to happen immediately, you might feel you need to be available 24/7, even if you don’t technically.

    Work in general is more fast-paced because of it (emails and phone calls over snail mail), everything you do is attached to your phone making it difficult to turn it off (banking, cards, travel apps, dating apps etc).

    In the purest sense, yes, you can take breaks from it all, but it’s still there, and while I don’t think it’ll happen anytime soon, I do believe we’d benefit as a society from being less chronically online (I say writing this on an app for a federated social media site, but y’know, small steps).

  • I’m with you on FF. I played VII, because at that point in time, especially where I’m from (small, inconsequential country with a low population and before the internet hit it big, we were always months behind on trends), you just played any title presented to you by others with a PS.

    My siblings and I mostly played the demos that came with free PC magazines as we couldn’t afford much else lol.

    All of that rambling to say: Even then, when I didn’t have much else, it bored me to tears. It was so wordy, but without the type of substance I enjoy, the battles were tedious (though I enjoy other types of turnbased combat - like xcom), the style was cute, but I did not enjoy the mishmash of characters (similar feelings on Kingdom Hearts which you also mentioned), it didn’t feel irreverent, it felt inconsistent to me.

    I can completely understand why others might enjoy it though. I tried playing other FF titles, because the games are quite different to each other, but unfortunately couldn’t get into them. But hey ho, everything can’t be for everyone.