They also like his “Christian values”… AKA banning abortion
They also like his “Christian values”… AKA banning abortion
Killing them for fuel is too humane a punishment. We should put them in a hamster wheel instead.
I mean … It’s not shrinking though. It’s still increasing, just at a slower rate.
So the cancer would still be growing, just not as fast. It’s certainly not a remission, as you mentioned.
I should’ve specified that I meant in the Lemmy comments. But yeah, I’ve seen ‘corporate games’ mentioned in a few threads already.
I thought we were calling AAA games ‘Corporate Games’ now. Is that trend over already?
Gold Rush = high demand = invest in (aka buy) shovels
Same thing, no?
During/after natural disaster, buy cheap land. Probably works during an economic crash too.
Protests & Riots happening? Invest in glass companies
Cloudy & rainy every day? Sell coffee (looking at you PNW)
War happening? Just sell bombs! (see USA) This one is particular good cause you can always start another war. It’s just smart business!
At least they’re working on the wall part lol
Tbf, so did the Israel Palatine conflict, if not earlier.
How many companies need to lie about following environmental regulations until we try a different approach to protecting the environment?
When VW lied about their vehicles emissions, people were shocked. Then Toyota admitted to doing the same. And I’m sure there are many more companies that haven’t been caught yet.
Just because it’s handled at state level, doesn’t mean it has to be handled at state level.
The federal government could easily give money to states with the stipulation that x amount is used to pay teachers.
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.
It’s like Cities: Skylines mixed with Factorio.
I mean… that’s not that new. And most people are just lurkers anyways.
I wish I could upvote this twice lol
It’s way too addicting… But oh so good
I think sprinting in COD4 ruined all of the left sticks on my DS3 controllers.
I thought this was a guide to the game “Workers and Resources: Society Republic”
I must be playing it too much…
Let’s go Georgia!
Military industrial complex goes brrrrrr.