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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • It’s more like you bought a ticket to Disney and keep cutting everyone in line and get mad when you’re told you can’t do that, but you can pay more for a fast pass that will allow you to get into a shorter line if you’d like.

    Also, you trying to say you’ve purchased the entire studio and the servers the game runs on? Cuz a game license is not that. You don’t own Disney. You own a pass to allow you in.

  • Me, a male who enjoys animals, the femcel.

    I’m just telling you bears are fucking cool and you’re not gonna fucking die if you look at one. People literally take this so seriously it’s hilarious. Chill out. Maybe don’t be offended by people not being afraid of bears because it’s pretty fucking unlikely you know anyone who has been harmed by one, also they’re cute, also seeing wild animals is part of hiking and very exciting. You don’t need to be the center of every humans attention at all times. You’ll be okay.

  • But I don’t have to. It’s about perception. Fear is not based in reality. It doesn’t matter what is actually true but what is perceived to be true. People see people being murdered 30x more often by people than by bears per capita. Ignoring per capita, and it’s 23,000x more than bears. It makes plenty of sense to fear humans more than bears based on that alone. Fear is not going to go “oh but actually statistically speaking in order to be afraid I really should do a scientific study to see who in a “alone in the woods at night” scenario is more likely to kill me before I am afraid!” It’s gonna go with the fact that you see and experience humans killing other humans a LOT more than you experience bears killing humans. Also, I’ve conveniently ignored plenty of stats other than literal homicide you have to worry about from men.

    Also, again, none of this matters what does is that bears are objectively cooler than humans, the end.