Lime Buzz (fae/she)

fae/faer or she/her

A lover of fruit, fun and helping people out.

Not human so please do not refer to me as such or use any words relating to humanity when referring to me or if it’s intended to include me.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2022


  • Eh, I don’t know if it was illegitimate or not considering he allowed abuse to carry on on the platform for years and due to no encryption it was well known about.

    I hope either people using the platform or telegram itself learn their lesson and the people using it leave for better platforms or telegram finally add meaningful encryption and stop pretending that they can sit back and do nothing.

    No, I’m not suggesting abuse should be allowed to carry on just because it moved to encrypted messengers, nor that all the ‘illegal’ things that happened on it are bad (something being illegal doesn’t mean it is unethical inherently), just that those doing nothing unethical deserve protection and telegram doesn’t provide it.

    As for the rest well, they deserve to be taken down and kept well away from anything that would enable them to abuse.

  • As with reddit / lemmy, I doubt a viable alternative will emerge until youtube has become well and truly offensive.

    Even after it has this is very unlikely because part of the appeal of youtube is getting paid for work and most people either don’t have the money to pay for it, choose not to or hate the platforms through which creators ask to get paid through.

    Like it or not, either it’ll be another tech company who will later do this exact same thing or we need more people willing to pay and less shitty platforms through which they can do so i.e. not VC backed/supported.