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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I have never seen that style of container for takeout in my life and I spent two decades in the service industry. That’s not common in America.

    Still, for arguments sake that works out to about £.05 per box. Of course, that’s if you go to the wholesaler to pick it up. If you’re running a restaurant, you probably get it delivered with the rest of your dried goods. You pay for that, just like you pay for the cutlery and the napkins and the sauce packets and the bag it all goes in.

    A buck really isn’t unreasonable here. I’ve worked at spots where the takeout container was $0.30 each, and that’s without figuring in the delivery/fuel surcharge.

  • That’s not what you said. What you said was downvotes mean I’m wrong. I showed a case that clearly proved you were wrong, so now you’re trying to make a strawman argument out of an insignificant tangent.

    I don’t think you actually believe anything you’re saying or are even cognizant of what it is that you are saying. I think you saw someone being downvotes and jumped on it as an opportunity to feel better about yourself since people are more likely to downvotes me since I’ve already been downvoted. I hope you progress in your life to the point where you don’t need this validation from others to function.

    Good luck, and have a nice day.