deviantart source

Rusałka is a slavic female demon usually appearing around lakes, ponds or rivers. She deceives men and drowns them. I wanted to show her as a dead corpse that uses a charm, so that she looks like a pretty woman when out of the water.

I’ve had some voices wondering about the swastikas on the rims of the guys shirt. So to make it clear. I have no connotations with any extreme right wing parties nor do I keep any nazi or racist oriented beliefs. Swastika has been used for hundreds of years in Poland, before Hitler stole it and spoilt it for everyone. The action of the image takes place in 9th or 10th century. If you want to know more about swastikas just wiki it. There is a really broad and interesting article written about it.

he’s deleted everything on his artstation, although it’s still available as a print