• Ibaudia@lemmy.world
    12 days ago

    Very few people voted for Trump based on his policy decisions. Most people just see him as a Washington outsider who speaks his mind and that’s where it starts and ends. They like him as a person.

    • ameancow@lemmy.world
      11 days ago

      People flabbergasted how anyone could “like Trump as a person” don’t realize that the average American worker spends 6 - 7 days a week stuck in traffic, working overtime, working side jobs, struggling to maintain a house or family, and gets all their news and information from a few minutes of social media and talk radio every day.

      Most people have not seen the countless clips and stories of Trump’s incompetence and rotting brain, they see what Facebook wants them to see, or what their friends say, and they don’t really give it a lot of thought. The average Trump-voting conservative might not be very informed but they genuinely aren’t all bad people. Just dumb people.

      If you’re here reading lemmy or reddit, you’re someone who can read lemmy and reddit on a friday afternoon and that means that some part of your life allows for such luxuries, or you already have formed a strong opinion and have tuned your recreational reading to match. This isn’t the case for everyone.

      We need to understand this fact a lot better to undo the polarization that the real evil conmen have set up in this country.

      I had family members who were planning on voting for Trump and all it took was talking about his failed policies and playing a few clips of him saying how he really feels about things like guns and poor people and they changed their mind. That simple. Do not underestimate your powers to change hearts and minds.

      • Ibaudia@lemmy.world
        11 days ago

        Those with college education and who are politically active tend to lean towards the left, it’s good to remember that. A lot of people, especially right-leaning people, have no fucking idea what policies they’re actually voting for and operate purely off vibes and buzzwords.

  • moon@lemmy.ml
    12 days ago

    So this is set in a universe that’s exactly like ours except doctors wear no shirt instead of lab coats?

    • Codex@lemmy.world
      12 days ago

      MAGAs don’t believe in doctors or medicine. That’s just Jim, he’s “politically neutral” and got suspended from med school after “prescribing” meth to his brother for ADHD, and selling it to him, and synthesizing it. Jim’s alright, and you don’t need no doctor, we can just go ask Jim what’s going on.

      • ameancow@lemmy.world
        11 days ago

        We all laugh but I had a coworker once who was basically this entire comment but living and breathing. Let’s call him Colton.

        My asshole boss hired Colton when I was on vacation to be my “assistant” and I spent more time trying to fix his damage than get anything done. He had a neck tattoo and couldn’t wear clothes that fit, he was constantly sweating and going to the bathroom to do whatever cocktail of drugs kept him vertical. Colton said once “I got a doctor that lives next door, he hooks me up with medicine.”

        One time Colton got involved in a robbery with one of our other employees, Colton wasn’t charged but the homeowner knew Colton was involved and came to the showroom where I worked with a gun. Police were called, it was a whole thing.

        When the '09 recession hit, most of the workforce was laid off, myself included. My boss kept Colton on though because he liked having someone he could bully easily and he looooved treating Colton like a punching bag.

          • masquenox@lemmy.world
            11 days ago

            If you truly wish to treat Trump, the system that created him and the system that protects him like some aberration of your (supposedly) “perfect” and “infallible” liberal pseudo-democratic system little ole’ me certainly won’t be stopping you - but only one of us will be surprised at what is coming.

            • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
              11 days ago

              your (supposedly) “perfect” and “infallible” liberal pseudo-democratic system

              Said no one ever. No one believes this. Some of us just believe more fact-based things than the ever-popular emotional plea from the accelerationists: “the whole thing is bad, you have to destroy it completely for any meaningful progress to happen”

              • masquenox@lemmy.world
                11 days ago

                Said no one ever.

                Oh, you don’t have to - it is perfectly obvious that you and the rest of the liberal hive mind that is rapidly gentrifying Lemmy believe liberalism is (supposedly) “perfect.” That is the very reason you see people like Trump and the systemic violence he represents as an aberration and not a predictable product of this very system.

                There’s a saying amongst leftists (actual leftists - not the co-opting shitlibs self-applying that label on here), “scratch a fascist and a liberal bleeds.” Or, as Malcolm X put it…

                “The white conservatives aren’t friends of the Negro either, but they at least don’t try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the “smiling” fox.”

                MLK noted it, too, in his “Letters From A Birmingham Jail” - there’s nothing new about having a proper understanding of what liberalism really is.

                It’s just new to you.

                • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
                  11 days ago

                  This is just stupid. Ya know, pretending people believe stuff doesn’t will it into existence. And even if it did, all you’d be accomplishing here is feeling superior.